9 Must-Have Things For Great Property Marketing Visuals

If you are going to be spending a couple of hundred pounds on a single CGI project, then at least make sure that you are getting exactly what you are paying for. Due to the fact that the world has been a highly competitive place for who knows how long, it is pretty safe to say that selling properties off-plan can be quite a tricky thing to pull off sometimes. With this in mind, using images that can both reflect the quality of your project and catch the attention of your target audience has never been as important as it is today.
There are many different factors that professionals need to pay extra attention to when it comes to producing property marketing CGIs. But for some reason, there are still some companies out there that don’t truly understand just how important the image production industry is for their business. These companies typically end up creating poor-quality images that just cannot produce the desired results. As a result of this, some clients can easily be directed into buying a not-so-good CGI that costs two or three hundred pounds instead of a much more expensive, but also a much more detailed one.
However, it is important to note that once those poor-quality images hit the right CGI company, it will become clear to you that they don’t look nearly as good as you had originally wanted them to look. Such images could actually end up costing you a sale as they are not showing your property in the best light, and that – of course – is never a good thing. That being said, if you are not a CGI expert or if you are just too busy to pay some extra attention to it, it most likely won’t be that easy for you to tell what looks good and what doesn’t look so good, especially if there isn’t a visual side-by-side comparison for you to analyse.
And now, what is it that makes a CGI look good? If you would like to find out, you have come to the right place. The following are nine things that professionals should pay some extra attention to when creating CGIs!
1. Lighting of Visuals
When you think about it, lighting is one of the most important parts of just about any property marketing visuals out there. It can truly make or break the image. If it’s done well, lighting can make everything look much more real, i.e. photo-realistic superb visuals for your property.
2. Small Details
All those small details that you can see on the CGIs of today are very important. The reason why they are so important lies in the fact that they can make everything look much more natural. For example, realistic-looking clouds can really set the mood for the whole image.
3. Trees and Plantation
Vegetation is always a nice thing to have in your CGIs. Not only does vegetation make your CGI look better and more-detailed but it also makes everything look more natural. Keep in mind that it is important to achieve a nice balance between leaves and flowers.
4. Realistic Textures on Visuals
Producing this level of detail takes both time and effort. This is especially true if you are working with brickwork, stonework, or tiling. However, if you don’t add realistic textures to your CGI, the surfaces will look vague and dull, which is something that you should avoid at all times.
5. Several Different Points of View
Choosing the best point of view is extremely important when it comes to creating a good-looking CGI. If you only prepare a single point of view for your project, you probably won’t be able to attract nearly as many potential customers to your property as you had originally planned. This is why preparing several different points of view for your project is such an important thing to do when it comes to selling a property.
6. Reflections
Accurate and highly-detailed reflections can make your CGI look more alive. If there were no realistic reflections in your CGI, the image just wouldn’t look the same. Also, it wouldn’t be as interesting to look at as it is when it does have realistic reflections in it.
7. Shadows
Incorporating shadows into your CGI is yet another way to make your image look better and more realistic. It is a great way to provide your image with both context and realism.
8. Window Details of Properties
If you want to attract more potential customers to your property, you need to make sure that the windows in your CGI look as real as they can. Realistic windows can give your property a lived-in feel, which is something that you should always try to achieve when selling a property.
9. Textures of the Materials
Every single pixel that you put into your CGI property marketing visuals will have a significant impact on the final image. The same thing can be said about the textures of the materials that are used for the property that you are trying to sell. If you really want to create a stunning, photorealistic effect, you need to make sure that these textures look as real and as detailed as they can.
And there you have it! These are some of the most important things that professionals should pay some extra attention to when creating CGIs for their clients’ properties.